dubbele strafbaarheid (1 gevonden)

Dutch dubbele strafbaarheid English double criminality

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strafrecht (internationaal strafrecht) - eis die in het Europees Verdrag betreffende de Overdracht van Strafvervolging gesteld wordt: een staat kan slechts op verzoek van een andere staat een strafvervolging instellen, indien het feit in beide staten strafbaar is.

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Artikel 7 EVOS:

1. Proceedings may not be taken in the requested State unless the offence in respect of which the proceedings are requested would be an offence if committed in its territory and when, under these circumstances, the offender would be liable to sanction under its own law also.
2. If the offence was committed by a person of public status or against a person, an institution or any thing of public status in the requesting State, it shall be considered in the requested State as having been committed by a person of public status or against such a person, an institution or any thing corresponding, in the latter State, to that against which it was actually committed.

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